TEM Consulting, LP

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What is a GTEM?

GTEM - Gigahertz Transverse ElectroMagnetic Cell


    TEM Cell
    TEM Waveguide

TEM Cell

A closed measuring device consisting of an inner and an outer conductor in which a voltage difference creates a TEM-mode electromagnetic field between these conductors. Two-port TEM cells typi­cally have symmetrical tapered input and output ports, whereas a one-port TEM cell typically has a tapered input port and a integral, closed nontapered termination in place of the output port.

TEM Waveguide

An open or closed transmission line system that uses the TEM mode over the frequency range of interest. The TEM mode is defined as an electromagnetic field in which the electric and magnetic field vectors are orthogonal to each other and orthogonal to the propagation direction. Common examples are the two-port TEM cell (Crawford cell), the one-port or wideband-TEM cell (example GTEM), and the parallel-plate stripline.


A TEM cell that has been altered to extend the usable frequency range. Typically, this is achieved by replacing one port of a two-port TEM cell with a wideband, non-tapered, hybrid discrete resistor/wave absorber termination.


TEM Consulting, LP
140 River Rd
Georgetown, Tx. 78628
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